Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Drug Free Natural Health Care


 See ********************************* below:

WOW! I am very excited! This unique and shocking book is now available at:

Click below to order:

The information found in this book has the potential to revolutionize health care for each
person who receives it and acts on it! 

Go to now and take a look!

You will see the book with the title: 

        Drug Free Natural Health Care       

       The Traditional, Accepted, Normal, Health Care Scenario

Here in America, most of us eat the normal, standard American diet, grow older, get sick, go to medical doctors, are introduced to unnatural drugs, get sicker, take more drugs, spend outrageous amounts of money on health care, and then live out life taking six to 12 or more drugs as we contribute to 51st place for longevity rate.
Does that seem natural to you? Are you destined to go down that same road? Is it inevitable? Is there no alternative?
It is the goal of this author to help as many people as possible to discover that there is an alternative to following those who constantly attempt to indoctrinate us by repeating ad nauseum, "Ask your doctor." 
We don't have to follow the plan of what I call the SDC, or "Supreme Dominating Conglomerate" which consists of:

 1. The Food Industry 
 2. The Medical industry 
 3. The Drug Companies 
 4. Federal Government Health Control
 5. The Insurance Companies 
I created the "SDC" term to describe the huge, dominating conglomeration of companies and agencies that wants to influence and control our health. 
However, what we are constantly given is, in the opinion of this author and many others, a distorted view. The SDC has a vested interest  in the continuance of current trends that are bringing in amazing and obscene amounts of revenue

The SDC has created a monster that maintains skyrocketing levels of diabetes, cancer, heart disease and millions on medication for high blood pressure. The SDC is the main reason that we are in 51st place for longevity rate among the nations!
The medical industry has great skill and knowledge when it comes to the human body. They give great service in the area of helping patients with structural conditions. The problem lies in their pushing unnatural drugs on the public, trying to communicate the idea that drugs are necessary for good health. 

                                   ARE THEY?

And the problem is also the lack of true communication of the information that is readily available (for those who seek it)  to educate us that we can avoid chronic disease to a great extent and we can take control of our own health if we make the right choices.
Does the human body, a natural creation, really need unnatural, laboratory created drugs to achieve optimum health? Many informed individuals don't think so. 
We can take control away from the SDC if we choose to do so. 
The result? By making informed choices, many people are experiencing much better health than the current drugging of America system provides for those that are sucked into that flawed plan. And a lot of money is saved in the process too.
In the wonderful video, Forks Over Knives, it is shown that one can save 70 to 75% on health care costs by learning to eat correctly. The individuals that are selecting this way of life are choosing not to do drugs. Increasing numbers of informed individuals are choosing not to become drug users or addicts for the medical industry!
That is why the author has written the book, Drug Free Natural Health Care. Buy the book and discover how thousands have learned to avoid the conventional health care scenario described earlier, and by so doing choose not to be part of the 51st place statistic.
And be sure to give a gift of this book to those you love.

                Click above to order when available.

                            Author's Disclaimer:
This book was written solely for educational purposes. The author does not provide medical advice or services. The author offers this information, and the reader accepts it, with the understanding that everything the reader does or tries as a result of reading this information, shall be at his or her own risk. The author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this blog or in the book itself.


                           Click above to order 
There truly are alternatives to the modern railroad to drug addiction, the so-called "Health Care" programs of today. Many would say that they are not really health care programs, but rather that they are drug maintenance programs. 
This book, Drug Free Natural Health Care, is meant to educate the public on how thousands of Americans have chosen to be free from the taking of drugs as pushed by the medical industry and from paying the outrageous prices for health care. The goal is to encourage readers to look into alternatives, to get second opinions from natural health care providers, to take control of their own lives and health care, to study for themselves and learn about the real causes of health.
The China Study, the largest nutritional study ever made, found that those cultures where people live on a plant-based diet instead of an animal based diet, do not have the vast number of cases of degenerative diseases that we do in the Western World. Plus, there are herbal and other natural means that can take care of us naturally instead of artificially. 
We have been duped by this SDC to participate in an artificial health care system that turns us into drug users if we buy into it.
Those who learn what causes health and then live by it, will find themselves much better off, physically and financially, than those that blindly choose to take the free fall into the black hole of conventional health care as planned out for them by the SDC. These people will be participating proactively in a drug free natural health care system that will tend to keep them free of disease and much wealthier.
If a person breaks a bone or has other structural problems with the body, it is best to seek out an appropriate health care professional. Medical doctors are very skilled at helping their patients with many structural problems of the body. But even then, if we go to medical doctors, most will want to get us into taking drugs. Smart people are going to medical doctors for structural repair and then turning to natural doctors for alternatives to the drugs.
And if we find that we have a physical challenge that we can't handle on our own, I would hope that we would get a diagnosis from the sources we have available, including alternative, natural doctors, herbalists, chiropractors and even medical doctors. I like the idea of second opinions, especially when that includes natural health care professionals.
So, those of us that are interested in general health concerns, should consider the alternative to going first to the medical doctors of today who are disease specialists. Today, increasing numbers of informed people are turning to the true health specialists, some of whom are the herbalists, naturopaths, homeopathic doctors, chiropractors or other, natural practitioners.
A lot of people are turning to herbal alternatives rather than going to the medical industry for their drugs with accompanying side-effects.  Many are choosing to learn for themselves. Increasing numbers are choosing to NOT ask a medical doctor about how to be healthy. 

Medical doctors are experts on disease, not health. That is why a lot of people seem to be choosing to  get educated themselves when it comes to health. Buying, reading and living by Drug Free Natural Health Care and similar publications is a start.


              Click above to order when available.
If you are seeing medical doctors for your current health conditions, The author does not recommend that you suddenly drop their care without careful study and additional guidance. It is a good idea to seek second opinions. Some would recommend that you look for alternative means and methods. Many have turned to naturopathic doctors. But in the end, each person should take responsibility and make wise, informed, calculated decisions about his own health care.
Bottom line: A lot of people have discovered this information - made appropriate changes - and are now on their way to living a longer, healthier, happier life while saving money, a lot of it, in the process.                         
It is highly recommended that you share this book with those you love. 

Purchase the book. I recommend you get the next edition which is set to publish around the 15th of May, 2013.  It will be about 256 pages in length. It is the way to discover the system which is the alternative to  the scenario that leads you to over-priced drugged health care!

The first edition is available now as Say NO to Counterfeit Health Care - YES to the Alternative.
It has 188 pages and is found here:


                           Click above to order 
Thanks for reading,
Warren Edwin Davidson

By the way,

               Songs from Utopia

I have a two CD album of songs that I performed at a recording studio. Six are original songs, six are traditional (folk songs) and the rest of the thirty songs are a variety of super-cool songs from the era when I was learning guitar, mainly from the 1960s and 70s. The album costs $20.00 and can be ordered by sending the $20 by regular mail to Davidson Distributors at 258 W 500 N Manti UT 84642. Be sure to request the CD set, Songs from Utopia and add your name and address to send you the CDs.
If you go to YouTube and search Codine Blues, you will find Warren Davidson (that's me) in the first few selections. It goes right along with the book. I sing the song because it is a message to leave drugs alone.

Here is the link:

Thanks for visiting!

Warren Edwin Davidson