Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Major Health Care News Story

There is an extremely important, major news story regarding health care that is being almost totally ignored by the mass media today. Here are the main points of that story:
1.     The United States is in 51st place among the nations of the world for longevity rate according to the CIA World Factbook. How many Americans are aware of that statistic? And why is it that we are in 51st place? Perhaps the following can help clarify the reasons.
2.     The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell  and Thomas M. Campbell II, is not well known by many Americans. Yet it is the largest, most comprehensive nutritional study ever made. This research reveals that cultures that live on a plant-based diet tend to not get the chronic diseases that those of us living on the western pattern diet do. We get these diseases by eating our heavily processed animal-based diet.
3.     This translates into the fact that our standard American diet is causing diabetes, heart disease and cancer as well as a host of other diseases.
4.     According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the third leading cause of death in the United States is conventional medicine and prescription drugs! The author of that article, Dr. Barbara Starfield, later indicated that she felt that medical doctors were the number one cause of death in the US.
5.     If the truth about the previous information were common knowledge, and if Americans were to change their eating habits and lifestyle correctly, we would see health care costs plummet! Have you heard that on the news?
6.     According to the video, Forks over Knives, by eating an appropriate plant-based diet, we could save 70 to 75% on health care costs over our lifetime.
Is this Major News? You had better believe it or you too may be trapped in the following scenario:  Grow older; get sick; go to medical doctors; be introduced to unnatural drugs, get sicker, end life taking a regimen of 6 to 12 or more drugs, and most likely contribute to 51st place for longevity rate!
I repeat, this is major news that is not getting the attention it deserves. But it is found in detail in the new book
Drug Free Natural Health Care

This is where you can find the happy news of how to be healthy - Really!
by Warren Edwin Davidson, published May 11th, 2013 by CreateSpace. The book is available at:                                     drugfree.biz
  E-mail drugfree.biz@gmail.com