Friday, November 15, 2013 

There are so many people reading my blog now! I  just want to say thank you to all for stopping by and learning about what you can do to get out of the downward spiral into the vortex of the black hole of modern American health care! Wow! That was quite a statement. But think about it. A lot of us are blindly being indoctrinated into thinking that drugs equal health, because that is what we are taught day in and day out by the drug companies and the medical industry. No one or almost no one is challenging that or questioning it. Most Americans don't even know that we are in 51st place for longevity rate. Nor do they know that the third cause of death is conventional medicine. And it would be great if they knew that there is another, better way. It is called drug free natural health care found in the book Drug Free Natural Health Care.

Now that you are informed, alert your family, friends and neighbors. Help them to get Drug Free Natural Health Care so that they too can be liberated from the queue and be able to start moving up and away from the black hole that would suck them into taking drugs for life!
Get the book at 
Please buy Drug Free Natural Health Care at but after you have read the book and discovered and implemented the great information found there,  please go to and leave a well written, positive review. I would  be very grateful if you would do that. Thank you!

Warren Edwin Davidson
Give it a go! When people understand that Drug Free Natural Health Care contains information that can free them from the 51st place for longevity rate queue, they will be snatching up these books at a high rate! No one wants to die young while getting sicker and taking more and more drugs. 

When life is lived right and you are happy with friends and family, you want to stick around and enjoy activities with the ones you love. So get your copy, make the needed changes and get out of that queue!

Get it here: to order
How about you give Drugfree Natural Health Care to a friend or loved one as a gift? But don't fail to read it yourself, because the bottom line is, you don't want to be one who is contributing to the US being in 51st place for longevity rate. Get yourself out of that queue! Learn the lifestyle and choices that bring health and move yourself up from 51st place.

Go to to order
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 Why should you get the book, Drug Free Natural Health Care? If you make no changes to your diet and lifestyle, and live like most Americans, you will most likely follow the normal scenario which is: grow older, get sick, go to medical doctors and be introduced to unnatural drugging and then contribute to the statistic mentioned above of 51st place for longevity rate. 

But there is a positive, upbeat and exciting alternative to all of this negative talk. Increasing numbers of people are learning the information found in Drug Free Natural Health Care, have changed their diet and lifestyle and are virtually free from the control of the SDC or Supreme Dominating Conglomerate, which is made up of:

1. The food processing companies
2. The medical industry
3. The drug companies
4. The federal government with its attempts at "health control"
5. The insurance companies.

If a person wants to learn about freedom from the control of the SDC, it would be wise to get Drug Free Natural Health Care and make the appropriate lifestyle changes in order to become healthier, happier and much wealthier over a lifetime.

Click here to order:

Click here to order:

Drug Free Natural Health Care is $20. Most Americans will waste thousands of dollars on unnecessary and even harmful drugs and WILL participate in the 51st place for longevity rate statistic. 

It is a no-brainer to spend the $20 for Drug Free Natural Health Care in order to gain information that can bring freedom and an escape from the system that would make you a part of the 51st place for longevity rate!

Order here: