Tuesday, April 23, 2013



Here is a post from the book, Drug Free Natural Health Care
by Warren Edwin Davidson

1. What we put in our mouths is vital to our health and longevity.

Many of us are not aware of the extent to which the above statement is true!

We have been sold out by many of our food production companies. The videos listed below will educate you in what is happening to our foods and how very important the choice is of what we put in our mouths.

Our standard American diet causes disease. We get chronic diseases by the choices of foods that we  put into our bodies. (This is based on credible research.) The food manufacturers are producing foods and non-foods that cause illness and we had better wake up and educate ourselves so that we can make better decisions in our food choices. More and more whistle-blowing videos are being produced about the problems with food production in our country.

If you have NETFLIX or other video sources, become informed by taking the time to watch these videos:

Food, Inc
Food Matters
The Future of Food
Forks Over Knives
Food Fight
Hungry For Change

Chemicals are added to foods and people ingest them without realizing what they are doing to themselves.

Genetically modified foods are now in the majority in our supermarkets, big time, up to 70%.

Yet our Government has seen to it that we are not warned of these foods, though in Europe it is mandatory to advise the public of these manipulated foods. And are these foods harmful? Watch the videos suggested above for the answer.

The cause and effect relationship of disease causing substances in foods can take years or decades before a doctor informs a person that he has cancer, diabetes or heart disease or some other terrible condition. Most people don’t understand or think about what caused the condition until the fateful day arrives. And even then, they may not think of the causes, since the medical industry want us to believe that in most cases disease hits us randomly.

The medical industry leads us to believe that we get sick from: 1. Bacteria 2. Viruses 3. Genetic causes.

 Of course these things can give us illnesses, but the major information has been left out:

The main reason we get sick is because of what we put in and on our bodies!

We are not usually taught that we give ourselves diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many other illnesses. If people realized that most of the time we get sick because of what we put in and on our bodies, more of us would educate ourselves and be much more careful about our  environment and our food choices. Someone once said that “We dig our grave with our spoon.”

Order the book here: