Monday, November 11, 2013

Book available at:

The fact that the US is in 51st place for longevity rate means that most American will tend to die younger, sicker and on drugs, more so than if we lived in one of those other 50 nations ahead of us.

What about you? Are you destined to participate in that scenario? If you had this book and the information found therein, you would then have a chance to opt out of our conventional health care system that has contributed greatly to that horrid statistic listed above. Especially when it comes to the pushing of drugs. I do hope you understand the cause and effect relationship here. We are in 51st place because of our choices which we can learn to change!

I also hope that you will get the book, learn from it, and change things to the point that you are in control of your own health instead of turning it over to the federal government and the health care system as set up in the US today (I apologize for continuing to bring it up, but the health care system that has us at 51st place for longevity rate!!)

Your good friends and family should know about this too. Please advise them.

Thanks for stopping by,

Warren Edwin Davidson

Book available at:

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Warren Edwin Davidson