Tuesday, November 12, 2013


What a blessing it is to be free of the drugging of America!

Those who frequent this blog realize that the United States of America is in 51st place for longevity rate and that one of the more likely reasons includes conventional health care and the prescription drugs that are pushed on the American  public.

However, those of us who have learned there is another way are generally much healthier and happier than those who are dragged into the drugging.

Don't get me wrong! I don't recommend that anyone leave their doctor's care or quit following medical advice. I am just stating the truth that many of us have educated ourselves and chosen a different path than what the government with its laws and requirements demand, And we are free from the indoctrination that drug companies are hurling at us.

It is a beautiful thing to be free of the drugging of America. Drug Free Natural Health Care is certainly the choice for many enlightened Americans.


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Warren Edwin Davidson