Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hello again,

I feel like things are sparkling in  my life! I guess it is because I have specific goals and feel that I am moving consistently toward them.

I am glad that I have control of my health. I know that many or most people feel that they are randomly attacked by bacteria, and viruses and that they have little or no control over their health. But because of the things that I have learned about health, including the fact that what we put in our mouths either leads us toward death or toward life, I am very careful to monitor what I am eating. I am aware of many triggers that are not good for me personally so I try to avoid them.

The information found in Drug Free Natural Health Care (www.drugfree.biz) allows me to control my health to a great degree. I have had a cold once and the 24 flu once in the last six years. And in each case it was because I had eaten foods that were not good for me. It is a revelation to many that they are giving themselves colds by the way they eat.

Oh, well. I hope that you will get the book and learn things that will  help you to be healthier and happier..


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Warren Edwin Davidson