Wednesday, November 13, 2013
You are important to me! I don't know you personally,  but I care for all people and I am concerned that the Supreme Dominating Conglomerate has set us up to fail, to get sick, and to be drawn into taking unnatural drugs that contribute to the US being in 51st place for longevity rate. 

I feel that I have, to a great extent escaped the grasp of the SDC. I am free! I am 74 years of age and take no drugs. I am so much healthier for it. 

          Don't get me wrong. I am not suggesting that anyone leave their medical doctor's care.  However, I would recommend to anyone, that they do get a second opinion from a natural health giver that is not pushing drugs. I am referring to naturophatic doctors, chiropractors and herbalists. I would say, make decisions regarding health care from a position of knowledge and wisdom.

I am just saying that a lot of people, myself included, are free from the drugging of America. The drug ads do not effect us. 

I am not impressed when Humana says that they save their customers $1400 per year on prescription drugs. I spend no money for drugs! Humana would save me nothing!  

Go to  get the book and learn the lifestyle that can prolong life, wealth and happiness!

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Warren Edwin Davidson